
Point Vision Care specializes in cataract diagnosis and treatment. If you or a loved one has concerns about cataracts, we encourage you to schedule an appointment to assess whether diagnosis or treatment is necessary.

cataract in eye

Symptoms of Cataracts

  • Cloudiness of the eyes, visible externally
  • Heightened sensitivity to light
  • Distorted vision
  • Reduction in color perception
  • General vision disturbance

​​​​​​​Note that symptoms of cataracts vary among people. You may have more, fewer, or different symptoms than the ones listed here.


Your optometrist in has several available tools and tests to diagnose cataracts. The first step in cataract diagnosis is to determine your risk for this condition. Next, you’ll be asked about your symptoms. Typically, in the case of cataracts, you may have symptoms that are associated with impaired vision, as noted above. Other diagnostic tests for cataracts include:

Slit Lamp Exam

Your optometrist may employ the slit lamp exam, where they can get a magnified view of the various parts of the eye, to look for signs of cataract development.

Visual Acuity Test

This is the standard test you’re already familiar with, where you will read a chart on a wall, discerning the numbers and letters. Your results will be compared to past results, and the optometrist will be able to tell whether your vision has worsened.

Retinal Exam

Your pupils will be dilated with drops in order to facilitate an unencumbered view of the back of the eye, where the retina is.

Your optometrist may also have other cataract diagnostic tests at their disposal that are not listed here.

Types of Cataracts

There are three different kinds of cataracts, and your optometrist will be able to determine which type you have. Treatment is the same for all three types, but knowing the type can help to inform future decisions about healthcare.

Nuclear Sclerotic Cataracts

Most cataracts fall into this category. This starts with a gradual yellowing of the center of the lens, expanding and hardening the lens as it develops. This type can take years to develop, with few outward signs. This is just one reason why regular eye exams are so important.

Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts

This type of cataract presents as a cloudy spot on the lens that is often visible to others. As the condition worsens, the cloudiness grows and becomes more noticeable.

Cortical Cataracts

The condition known as diabetes frequently causes this type of cataract. These develop in the cortex of the lens. It expands in what can be described as wheel spokes, coming in from the edges toward the center. This in turn causes incoming light to scatter, which negatively impacts depth perception and contrast and leads to blurred vision and increased light glare.

Causes of Cataracts

As mentioned, certain underlying factors increase the likelihood of cataracts. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Previous eye trauma or injury
  • Inherited traits
  • Previous eye surgery
  • Unmanaged diabetes
  • Side effects of some prescription drugs, such as prednisone
  • Chronic steroid use
  • Chronic poor nutrition

If you or a loved one develops cataracts, it’s important not to lay blame. The important part is to seek help from your Grosse Point Woods optometrist to get cataracts correctly diagnosed and treated.

Book an appointment today with Point Vision Care so that you can be free of cataracts as quickly as possible and have your vision restored. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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